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Frequency Mastery

One of the most empowering and life changing things you can do is to begin living from the inside out rather than the outside in.  Most humans are in a constant reaction to their environment making them at the mercy of the drama in the world.  This also keeps them immersed in victim consciousness.  The outside world is only getting more intense as the massive shift in consciousness is happening.  It’s a critical moment to take back power by learning to manage your frequency.

When you understand energy, frequency and how your thoughts and emotions are directly connected, you are learning the language of the Universe.  Learning this language is empowering and creates freedom and sovereignty.   Understanding it’s an “inside job” will make you impervious to world events, politics, and the ongoing dramas and traumas because you will learn to expand beyond the mainstream timeline and begin accessing infinite possibilities.   This isn’t about positive thinking (although awareness of your thoughts is important).  It’s about changing your reality.  It is about discovering how powerful you truly are.  It’s about creating new practices and breaking free from the dominant narrative.   Learning this new way of being in the world creates an inner security that can’t be accessed from the external world.  This inner security is your birthright.  Through accessing this inner security you also begin breaking free of the scarcity consciousness that keeps us on the hypervigilant hunt for security that we have erroneously come to believe comes through jobs, money, relationships and other things that we tend to cling to.  Managing your frequency takes you on a journey of learning to trust life and the constant flow and change that is life itself.  No matter how many manifestation techniques you learn, true abundance cannot be sustained while the program of scarcity consciousness is running in the background.  This is part of learning to manage and master frequency.  When we learn to become aware of the deeper programming and our underlying motivations, we have the opportunity to transcend the patterns and recode our DNA.  

A simple practice is anytime you are feeling less than joy, ask yourself, “Am I chasing security right now?”  You may find that you have very “security driven” actions and even manipulations, but the irony is that you’ve had true security within you all along, it just requires a shift in perspective.

We are coming out of a very oppressive era that has ignored and even denied the wisdom and power that resides within each one of us.  It’s an exciting time to be alive as we reclaim what is our natural birthright and begin utilizing the healing power of our minds and the phenomenal electromagnetic field of our hearts.  A critical  part of this process is YOUR BODY.  Yes, your physical body.  Your body is the bridge between heaven and earth.   A foundational piece of learning this new language of frequency, includes becoming embodied.  Why?  Because your body exists in the 3D reality.  We are learning to harness energy from the quantum field and bring higher frequencies into the 3D reality.  For it to become physical reality it must be done through the body.   However, for most people the body is very dense with trauma and it can feel nearly impossible to harness the energy.  Learning to alchemize the trauma in the body so that the power of the light body can be accessed is part of managing your frequency.  Along with the physical body is the earth herself.  Her wisdom and power has also been ignored and denied not to mention raped and violated.  When we use our body to come into resonance with her body we are coming home to our true nature.  She is one of our greatest teachers and she lives in 5D consciousness at all times.

Quantum physics teaches us that simply by observing something it shifts.  From that perspective think about how we treat health issues, addiction, relationship problems, etc.  The typical approach is to focus on the issue…such as the cancer, the addiction, etc. and to battle it…to fight it.  With a focus on frequency we shift to what we desire.  We access the quantum field.  We focus on and feel the power of healing happening.  It’s a shift out of pathologizing the things that happen in our life that are actually messengers.  We don’t ignore the issue, rather we welcome it with love and give it a place at the table.  This relaxes the tension in the energy field allowing healing to happen.  And what we often find is that the illness, the addiction, the divorce or whatever issue created an underworld journey that ultimately gives us potent “medicine” to bring back to the world.  We are strengthened.  We are the phoenix rising.  


We are living in a time of expanding consciousness.  The old ways are collapsing.  Old paradigms and social constructs are taking their last gasps and it can feel unsettling to not fully have the new world to reach for and restabilize with.  That’s why now, more than ever it’s critical to begin learning a new way to live, think and respond.  It’s important to connect with like minded people who are here to usher in and anchor new frequencies and codes on the planet.  We are here to open to cosmic guidance, downloads and direction.  Managing your frequency is one of the first steps in these new trajectories. 

In the world of vibrational frequency, there are many tools and technologies to support this time, but even more exciting is learning the language of frequency and realizing that YOU are the most important tool and technology of all.  You have massive abilities within you and you have access to them at all times.  The paradigm shift is learning to access this from within and living from this perspective.

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