Recovery in Dog Years
Having worked in various residential treatment settings over the years, I often jokingly say that it's like working in dog years. So...

Why Recovery Seldom Happens Alone
I’ve discovered that having a high functioning intellect, brimming with intelligence is not necessarily a benefit in the recovery world...

Burly Bikers & Spirituality
I had been leading the Women's Meditation/Recovery meeting for over 2 years when the participation level started dropping off. I was...

The Insane Brain
When I was a young grad student studying to be a counselor, never once was it mentioned that my clients would have brains and bodies. ...
Victims, Vulnerability & Stoicism
Inspirational quotes about letting go of the past, not being a victim and moving on have always been the kind of mantras that played in...

Women who Partner with Controlling Men Don't Run with the Wolves
Perhaps women end up with controlling relationships because it feels safer and less scary than a man who gives space. My first marriage...